About Beth

For years, Beth has been on a journey of self-discovery. She has pursued many personal growth opportunities, spiritual growth, and self-help programs. She has a masters in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. She has been through all four of the Insight seminars and volunteered when she could help. She was thrilled about some programs and really felt she gained some insight. Other programs, she felt lost, uninspired and it did not help her. She actually felt that many gave people false hope. Beth’s passion is to help people with ideas, tools, books, etc. that do not leave people bewildered and that are not too “woowoo”, even though “woowoo” is good for some people, it does not resonate with the general population. In these days and times, people are left fearful, untrusting and downright discouraged. Bethsnotez provides insight, ideas, tools and resources that hopefully some of them speak to our readers and helps people get through each day and find glimpses of hope, happiness, joy and love.

Beth Gneiser lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband. Her love of nature, spirituality and life keeps her curious and questioning. She loves to read books on personal growth and spirituality. And she loves to philosophize on the burning questions that people ask daily. Join her for a discussion on what your thoughts are on life and what makes it tick.

Beth Gneiser

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